Welcome to the site about the Czech museum of the Sphingidae family butterflies. The Sphingidae Museum is the second most comprehensive collection of Sphingid Moths in the world. Only the Museum of Natural Sciences in London can top it in number of species that have been collected. The museum currently owns 1 325 species and more than 200 000 specimen.
The aspiration of the science team of the museum is to contribute to the worldwide monitoring of the occurrence of insects, to discover new unlabeled species, to pass knowledge to the wider public, to provide a discussion platform for experts in the field and to post results of work of the museum and of those collectors who don’t have the opportunity to publish their work on their own.
A big part of the museums activity is its editorial activity by the form of issuing the journal „The European Entomologist“. The journal contains descriptions of new species and not just of the Sphingidae family, case studies regarding revisions of taxonomy and final reports from expeditions.
The founder and head of the museum is a Czech entomologist Tomáš Melichar (member of the Czech Entomological Society at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic). The members of the editorial board of The European Entomologist are Ian J. Kitching (Natural History Museum, London, UK), Rodolphe Rougerie (curator at the Lepidoptera section in the Muséum National d'histoire Naturelle, Paris), Carlos G. C. Mielke (Brasil) and Jean Haxaire (France).
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A seclection of implemantated activites of the museum |
Ambulyx marissa Eitschberger & Melichar, 2009
Ambulyx rawlinsi Melichar, Řezáč & Ilčíková, 2015
Ambulyx viteki Melichar & Řezáč, [2014]
Ampelophaga nikolae Haxaire & Melichar, 2007
Angonyx chelsea Eitschberger & Melichar, 2009
Angonyx williami Eitschberger & Melichar, 2009
Ceratomia mooseri Haxaire & Melichar, 2012
Ceratomia palting Haxaire & Melichar, 2012
Ceridia agilei Melichar & Řezáč, [2014]
Coenotes arida Moulds & Melichar, [2014]
Coenotes jakli Haxaire & Melichar, 2007
Dahira jitkae Haxaire & Melichar, 2007
Dahira klaudiae Brechlin, Melichar & Haxaire, 2006
Dahira uljanae Brechlin & Melichar, 2006
Daphnis hypothous crameri Eitschberger & Melichar, 2010
Daphnis kitchingi Haxaire & Melichar, 2011
Daphnusa zythum Haxaire & Melichar, 2009
Degmaptera schnitzleri Melichar & Řezáč, 2014
Erinnyis cubensis Melichar, Řezáč, Haxaire & Ilčíková, 2015
Euchloron megaera asiatica Haxaire & Melichar, 2009
Falcatula svaricki Haxaire & Melichar, 2008
Griseosphinx naumanni Melichar & Řezáč, [2014]
Kentrochrysalis heberti Haxaire & Melichar, 2010
Madoryx pseudothyreus bahamensis Melichar & Řezáč, [2014]
Madoryx pseudothyreus floridensis Melichar & Řezáč, [2014]
Nephele xylina rybari Haxaire & Melichar, 2011
Nephele xylina socotrensis Haxaire & Melichar, 2011
Platysphinx zabolicus Haxaire & Melichar, 2007
Pseudoclanis molitor transversa Haxaire & Melichar, 2011
Psilogramma bacanensis Eitschberger & Melichar, 2011
Psilogramma manjunatha Eitschberger & Melichar, 2011
Rhagastis diehli Haxaire & Melichar, 2010
Rhodambulyx haxairei Melichar, Řezáč & Horecký, 2014
Rhodoprasina mateji Brechlin & Melichar, 2006
Rufoclanis haxairei Melichar, 2011
Rufoclanis numosae rostislavi Haxaire & Melichar, 2009
Temnora occidentalis Melichar & Řezáč, 2014
Temnora orientalis Melichar & Řezáč, 2014
Temnora prokopci Melichar & Řezáč, 2014
Temnora prokopci similis Melichar & Řezáč, 2014
Temnora robusta Melichar, Řezáč & Ilčíková, 2016
Temnora rotundus Melichar & Řezáč, 2014
Temnora scitula pindurensis Melichar & Řezáč, 2014
Temnora scitula stanislavi Melichar & Řezáč, 2014
Theretra ankae Melichar & Řezáč, 2015
Theretra eitschbergeri Melichar, Řezáč & Ilčíková, 2015
Theretra mothironi Haxaire & Melichar, 2012
Theretra rezaci Haxaire & Melichar, 2012
Theretra tomasi Haxaire & Melichar, 2008
Sataspes caerulea Melichar, Řezáč & Ilčíková, 2016
Sphingonaepiopsis asiatica, Melichar & Řezáč, 2013
Sphingonaepiopsis gurkoi, Melichar & Řezáč, 2013
Zacria vojtechi Haxaire & Melichar, 2003
The islands of Cape Verde – Ministerstvo zemědělství Kapverd, průzkum biodiverzity lišajů (2002)
Senegal and Guinea – Survey about biodiversity of Sphingidaes in national parks (2004)